
sigma window manager
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README (12897B)

      1 swm - Σ Window Manager
      2 ======================
      3 swm is [dwm](https://dwm.suckless.org) made less bare-boned and more
      4 customizable.
      7 Install & Run
      8 -------------
      9 libX11, libXft, and optionally libXinerama are required.  Edit config.mk
     10 to match your local setup, and then build and install swm with the
     11 following command (as root if necessary):
     13     make install
     15 The default installation directory is /usr/local/bin.
     17 You may add the following line to your .xinitrc to start swm using startx:
     19     exec swm
     21 But be warned that this new software might not yet be sufficiently
     22 crash-proof, so, for now, it's probably better to instead add something
     23 like this:
     25     swm || dwm
     27 This way a reliable window manager like dwm in this example can take
     28 over windows upon abnormal termination of swm.
     30 swm sends warnings and errors to stderr, so having its stderr logged
     31 might sometimes prove helpful.
     34 Quick Start
     35 -----------
     36 swm grabs any key with, by default, mod4 as a modifier, which is normally
     37 produced by the Super key.  This can be changed in config.h.  For the
     38 rest of the section Super is assumed to be the modifier key for swm.
     40 - Super+Enter: Spawn st, the suckless terminal.
     42 - Super+p: Launch other programs with dmenu.
     44 - Super+Backspace: Close the focused window.
     46 - Super+{j,k}: Focus the next/previous window.
     48 - Super+Shift+{j,k}: Shift the focused window.
     50 - Super+*n*: switch to the *n*th workspace.
     52 - Super+Shift+*n*: Tag the focused window with tag *n*; usually has the
     53   effect of sending the window to the *n*th workspace.
     55 - Super+{t,m}: Switch to the tiled (a.k.a. right stack) or monocle layout.
     57 - Super+y: Select from a list of layouts with dmenu; you can even make
     58   a new layout using this menu, but more on that later.
     60 - Super+{i,d}: Increase/Decrease the number of master area windows; if
     61   you don't already know the meaning, just try with a few windows in
     62   the default layout.
     64 - Super+{h,l}: Change the portion of master area.
     66 - Super+f: Toggle whether the focused window is fullscreen.
     68 - Super+Shift+{q,r}: Quit/Restart swm.
     70 If you use multiple monitors and don't disable Xinerama, these are
     71 also useful:
     73 - Super+], Super+[: Switch to the next/previous monitor.
     75 - Super+Shift+], Super+Shift+[: Send the focused window to the
     76   next/previous monitor.
     78 Using the mouse, you can press Super+Button1 to move a window and
     79 Super+Button3 to resize.  These will make the window floating.  You can
     80 press Super+Shift+Space to toggle the floating state of a window.
     82 More can be learnt from config.c.
     85 Configuration
     86 -------------
     87 config.c and config.h are provided for configuration.  Few options
     88 are contained in config.h, and everything else, including key bindings
     89 and colors etc. belong to config.c, a small separate compilation unit.
     90 This way rebuilding swm after changing key bindings etc. is much more
     91 efficient compared to dwm where changing any configuration requires
     92 recompilation of the whole program.
     94 Unlike dwm, key bindings are defined directly inside the key event
     95 handler, and mouse button bindings inside the button event handler,
     96 instead of arrays searched by the handlers.  This different approach is
     97 taken for greater flexibility.
     99 With keybindings defined directly in a function, it's complicated for swm
    100 to grab exactly the keys and buttons that are bound like dwm does, so,
    101 to be simple, swm grabs any key or button with the configured modifier,
    102 but this prevents the modifier from being shared with other graphical
    103 programs.  This issue is discussed next.
    106 Tips about Modifier Keys
    107 ------------------------
    108 The Alt key is probably the handiest modifier key on a typical keyboard,
    109 but using it with swm will prevent other graphical program from using it.
    110 You may do just that and live with the exclusiveness, or you may stick
    111 with using Super, which is generally not used by other graphical programs,
    112 if you don't mind the relative inconvenience; these are the two obvious
    113 options.  But here is a recommended third way: Turn Caps Lock into Super.
    115 You can turn Caps Lock into Super with this command:
    117     xmodmap -e 'remove Lock = Caps_Lock' \
    118             -e 'keysym Caps_Lock = Super_L Caps_Lock'
    120 This will still allow toggling all-caps by pressing Shift+Caps_Lock.
    121 Put the command in .xinitrc to automate it.
    123 If you also would like to use Caps Lock for Escape (sweet for vi users),
    124 do the two usages conflict?  They don't have to, with the help of
    125 [xcape](https://github.com/alols/xcape).  The following will make Caps
    126 Lock, now a surrogate Super key, function as Escape when pressed and
    127 released on its own:
    129     xcape -e Super_L=Escape
    131 xcape should be run after the xmodmap command.
    133 If xcape is used with xmodmap as described above, Shift+Caps_Lock will
    134 generate an Escape besides toggling all-caps.  You can fix that little
    135 problem by changing the xmodmap command above to this:
    137     xmodmap -e 'remove Lock = Caps_Lock' \
    138             -e 'keysym Caps_Lock = Super_L' \
    139             -e 'keysym Escape = Escape Caps_Lock'
    141 Be aware that there is a small issue with using Caps Lock as Super: Some
    142 keyboards have a problem with certain modifier combinations when using
    143 such a surrogate Super key.  So you might find it necessary to resort to
    144 the original Super key for, e.g., Super+Shift+2.  Modifier combinations
    145 are typically easier with the original Super key, anyway.
    148 Workspaces & Tags
    149 -----------------
    150 There are as many workspaces as there are tags.  You can select one
    151 workspace at a time, which contains a separate layout and a separate
    152 set of tags.  Every window can be assigned one or more tags just like
    153 in dwm, and a workspace's tag set is used to match windows by tags.
    154 Windows matched by the tag set of a workspace belong, non-exclusively,
    155 to the workspace.
    157 To compare, dwm has one layout and one tag set per (logical) monitor,
    158 and what feels sort of like switching between workspaces in dwm is
    159 actually setting the tag set to comprise only a specific tag.  You can
    160 put multiple tags in the tag set, but the selected tags are easily
    161 lost during switching between tags, making selecting multiple tags a
    162 less usable feature.  Besides, this design makes things like one layout
    163 "per tag" not quite well-defined.  So swm slightly enhanced the design to
    164 address these problems.  Initially, the tag set of each workspace contains
    165 a single tag that has the same index as the workspace, making selecting
    166 a workspace in swm works much like viewing a specific tag in dwm.
    168 The array of tags displayed on the status bar is dually used for tags
    169 and workspaces.  The current workspace is indicated by a bold underline,
    170 and the tag set of the workspace and tags of windows are indicated in
    171 the same way as indicated in dwm: Tags in the current tag set are colored
    172 differently, and tags that are applied to one or more windows are marked,
    173 in their upper left corner, by a little square, which is filled if the
    174 tag is applied to the focused window and empty otherwise.
    177 Restarting
    178 ----------
    179 Taking the dwm approach, you have to rebuild and restart swm for new
    180 configurations to take effect.  By default you can press Super+Shift+r
    181 to restart swm.  During restarting, swm executes the command that starts
    182 it and uses environment variables (later cleared by the new instance)
    183 to pass down certain runtime information, including:
    185 - The monitor each client belongs to
    186 - Order of clients in each monitor
    187 - Tags and state (floating/fullscreen/scratchpad) of each client
    188 - Tag set and layout in each workspace of each monitor
    189 - Whether gaps and bar are shown in each monitor
    190 - Each monitor's current workspace
    191 - The focused client
    193 These help provide a seamless transition and make reconfiguration like
    194 a breeze.
    197 Status Program
    198 --------------
    199 swm runs a status program configured in config.c and uses pipes to connect
    200 to the status program's input and output.  Every time the status program
    201 outputs a line, the line is taken as the new status text and displayed on
    202 the status bar.  swm talks to the status program by writing to its input.
    204 This is quite different from how dwm handles status.  dwm reads the
    205 WM_NAME property of the root window for status text.  This simplifies the
    206 window manager's main loop, but makes it uneasy for the window manager
    207 to talk to the status program, adds a little burden to the status program
    208 and is less efficient.
    210 swm recognizes status text as blocks separated by two or more consecutive
    211 spaces.  When a block displayed on the status bar is clicked, swm's
    212 button event handler by default writes to the status program a line
    213 indicating which block is clicked (1 for the rightmost, 2 for the second
    214 rightmost, etc.), which button is pressed, and which modifiers are on.
    215 Details of what gets written can be found or changed in config.c.
    217 The status program can be toggled on and off with Super+Shift+s by
    218 default.  Pressing the key twice has the effect of restarting the status
    219 program.  By turning the status program off, swm doesn't directly kill
    220 it but closes the pipe to its input, and the status program is expected
    221 to detect this condition.
    223 The status program that swm by default is configured to use is
    224 [infobar](https://wolog.xyz/repos/infobar).
    227 Scratchpads
    228 -----------
    229 Scratchpads are windows, typically floating and centered, that can be
    230 handily brought into and out of view.  In swm, any window can be marked
    231 a scratchpad.  Here are the related default key bindings:
    233 - `Super+'`: Toggle a scratchpad.  If visible scratchpads are present,
    234   the topmost is hidden; otherwise, the topmost hidden scratchpad
    235   (normally the most recently used) is brought into view.  If there is
    236   no scratchpad at all, a scratchpad terminal is launched.
    238 - `Super+.`: Cycle through all hidden scratchpads.  If the focused window
    239   is a scratchpad, it gets replaced by the next hidden scratchpad, if
    240   any; otherwise this just brings a hidden scratchpad, if there is one,
    241   into view.
    243 - Super+Shift+Enter: Launch the scratchpad terminal.
    245 - Super+<backtick>: Toggle whether a window is a scratchpad or not.
    246   A floating window gets centered when turned into a scratchpad.
    248 The basic usage is simply to toggle a scratchpad terminal on and off
    249 by pressing `Super+'`, but you're offered convenience to develop more
    250 sophisticated usages.
    253 Layout Description Language
    254 ---------------------------
    255 The layout description language is a tiny language invented for
    256 specification of layouts in swm.  Most layouts that can be found in
    257 dwm and its patches can be described quite well in this language. Here
    258 are examples:
    260 - Right stack (the default tiled layout):
    262     [*]:.55 []
    264 - Monocle:
    266     ()
    268 - Deck:
    270     [*]:.55 ()
    272 - Bottom stack:
    274     [{*}:.55 {}]
    276 - Fibonacci spiral:
    278     .62 [.62 -{.62 [.62 ()]}]
    280 - Fibonacci dwindle:
    282     .62 [.62 {.62 [.62 ()]}]
    284 (The last two examples are not actually exact, as the actual layouts
    285 described will tile the 5th and subsequent windows in the monocle manner.)
    287 dwm's notions of master number and master factor are defined more
    288 generically in swm.  Generally, changing them in swm works the way most
    289 dwm users would expect.
    291 The language is simple enough that you can probably gain intuition
    292 from the examples and then figure it out by experimenting (see the next
    293 section for an easy method).
    296 dmenu Integration
    297 -----------------
    298 First of all, in case you only think of dmenu as a fuzzy single-item
    299 selector: You can pick multiple items, and even pick an item multiple
    300 times, with Ctrl+Enter while navigating the menu using Ctrl+{n,p}; you
    301 can also use dmenu as an input box, where Tab can be used to copy an
    302 item, a bit of line editing capability is available, and the input can
    303 be confirmed by pressing Shift+Enter.
    305 In swm, by default, pressing Super+y runs dmenu to give you a menu of
    306 layout descriptions to choose from, where you may also write an ad-hoc
    307 layout or tweak an existing one.
    309 swm provides four types of gaps (internal/outer, horizontal/vertical) that
    310 are separately settable.  Pressing Super+g gives you a menu of options for
    311 setting or changing the values of them, where making good use of dmenu
    312 will enable you to easily tune them. (But if you just want to toggle
    313 gaps off, press Super+Shift+g, and if you want to increase or decrease
    314 all gaps, scroll up and down with your mouse while holding Super.)
    316 vanitygaps, a dwm patch, offers a number of layouts with gaps, but to
    317 fully utilize what it offers, a user would need to bind eight keys each for
    318 choosing one layout and bind eight keys for increasing and decreasing the
    319 four types of gaps.  This is a waste of spare keys given the infrequency
    320 of most of the actions, and even that doesn't provide as much freedom as
    321 swm does.  So swm's menus serve to help out such situations by combining
    322 many infrequent actions into few menus and allowing doing things more
    323 sophisticated in case of need.
    325 You can easily construct such menus in config.c using convenience
    326 functions provided; see config.c for examples.